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Comments (8)

Geoffrey - 11 September 19:31

Sexy la fille avec accueillent les formes de manque, tlphone plutt!

Mark - 30 November 18:23

Un service au plus haut niveau. Mulâtre, russe.

Kolker - 30 August 08:17

This is entirely unrelated to the topic, but in your video the benefits of sex you stated that it lessens depression (something like that and I just wanted to know if there is something wrong with me or my sexual partner if we both go through a depressionest state after sex. I was hoping you could give a bit of a psychological reasoning for this. Looking forward to the next ask Lindsey!

Adesso - 13 November 06:22

Where are you.

Kinkaid - 2 September 14:00

My class got behind in health (snow days, slow learners, poor planning so we never got to the sex ed unit. My entire grade has had no formal education on sex and I live in a small mostly-catholic conservative town so most parents dont talk to their kids about sex other than dont do it

Oropeza - 17 December 08:51

Must b quite a feeling to have this much power over men ?